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The Continuing Professional Development Committee of the Quebec Urological Association's mission is to promote excellence in urology through innovative, relevant and evidence-based educational programs to maintain and improve the knowledge and the professional skills as well as improve the quality of care offered to patients.

The main objective of the committee is to offer its members high standard professional development opportunities allowing them to keep their skills up to date and thus meet the requirements of the various programs of the Royal College's MAINPORT maintenance of competence and/or CPD of the CMQ, etc.​The use of the CanMEDS competency model is now the preferred tool. An update of the Royal College's recommendations is also available on the site and members are reminded of the rules applied.

Secondary objectives of CPDC are:
  1. Provide an innovative annual conference of the highest quality, which meets the objectives defined according to the needs expressed by its members.
  2. Hold ad hoc CPD days on targeted topics that meet the needs expressed by members.
  3. Stimulate maximum participation of all members in DPC activities.
  4. Integrate residents and fellows in training into DPC activities.
  5. Ongoing knowledge of DPC needs of members.
  6. Ensure that the code of Ethics od the CSDPCM is respected during DPC activities.
  7. Promote the development of a research and development program in DPC.
  8. Develop a partnership with industry that allows interaction that avoids any potential conflict of interest, all through a transparency policy that respects the established rules.
  9. Encourage interaction with other urological associations in order to stimulate and encourage the participation of our members in the annual conferences of other associations, both national and international (e.g. Canadian Urological Association (CUA), Association Française d'Urologie (AFU), Société Internationale d'Urologie (SIU), Northeastern Section of the American Urological Association (NSAUA)).
  10. Promote interaction with other members of other specialties in compliance with multidisciplinary requirements (CanMEDS) in order to improve patient care and develop new inter-association partnerships during the JFIs of the Continuing Professional Development Department of the Federation of Specialist Physicians of Quebec (DDPC-FMSQ).
  11. Integrate new Internet technologies in order to promote E-Learning and interaction with/among members, the use of the various educational sites and software available and promote the use of these new technologies among members, encourage members to include the DDPC-FMSQ web platform in their training.
  12. Assist and support urologists in the company and the pursuit of self-management of their continuous professional development and thus ensure the maintenance of skills (eg: scholarship / grant for personal CPD project). Include category 3 activities in annual congresses.
  13. Remain a team attentive to the educational needs of the association’s urologists by ensuring that they are met by the activities established by the committee by analyzing the evaluations of DPC activities and be proactive on the feedback received.
  14. Invest in the development and implementation of an interprofessional activity